We went to The Deck for Geof’s birthday and Kelly and Jim met up with us. It was a beautiful night on the river and we could not have asked for better weather. Geof had a nice time and that’s what was most important.

Geof and I and Kelly and Jim at The Deck

Pretty roses Geof got for me at The Deck
Saturday, Geof and I went to the movies to see Eclipse and about 20 minutes before the movie ended a siren started going off and we had to evacuate the theater. There is nothing worse than being left hanging (even though I have read all the books). The fire engines came and it seemed to be a false alarm. We got some free vouchers and then went to dinner at Spice. I got the usual Chicken Tikka Masala with Paneer and it was delicious as always, although the service could have been a little better.

Dinner at Spice

We stopped for some Rita's Water Ice on the way home...notice Geof's orange lips :)
Sunday, we spent the afternoon at the pool and then went to our friends, Jamie & Beth’s, house for a BBQ. We called it an early night because we had to get home to the dogs. We ended up taking them for a late night 3 mile walk and got to see some fireworks along the way.

Another beautiful day at the pool!

Me with Beth and Jaime and Geof
Monday, Geof and I went back to the movies and saw The A-Team and timed it perfectly so that we could see the conclusion to Eclipse. The A-Team was really good and even if you’re not into action movies, a shirtless Bradley Cooper should be enough to make you want to see it. That man is beautiful. In the end, Eclipse was exactly as I expected and the movie was decent, although the books are much better (which is usually the case). After the movies, Geof and I went to Uno for dinner. I hated the pizza that we got and barely got down a slice. We headed home and spent the rest of the night with the pups.

It was really nice to get some quiet time and dates in with Geof. With me working so much and him traveling on and off, I feel like it’s easy to get disconnected. This long weekend was a perfect time for us to enjoy each other and have fun. I hope that everyone had a Happy 4th!
Your hubs is too sweet! Sounds like a fabulous weekend. Yay! You deserved it lady!
Hi sweet missy! You two look adorable, I am just so glad life got to slow down enough for you to celebate as you should, and spend the weekend/holiday with friends and loved ones. Your outfits and smiles are precious as always! Send Geof our best and let's plan our next adventure together soon, ok honey? :) Big hugs xoxo
mmm I love rice!
That sounds like one packed weekend. The sirens cutting through the movie may have cut it short but it sure makes for a great story.
I'm glad you had a nice weekend and got to spend some time with your husband! :)
What a nice weekend :-)
I so want to see A-Team just for Bradley.
I love outside places! (I'm assuming that The Deck was one)
I can't believe the fire alarm went off! I would have been SO mad. At least they gave you free vouchers though :)
The pool you go to looks so fun! I love water slides :)
Glad you got to see fireworks on your walk! It seems like you had such a FUN weekend!
Girl you look fabulous!!!!
I'm glad you had such a fun time. That pool looks like so much fun and your dinner at Spice looks delicious!!
I have no desire to see Eclipse (I know shoot me know) but I would love to see the A-Team. LOL!!!
Glad you had a happy & safe 4th my friend!!!
I liked both The A-Team and Eclipse. Looks like a great weekend!
Glad you had a great 4th of July weekend!! I'm jealous you still have Don Pablos...all ours closed, I thought the whole franchise went under...guess not!
I think I may be the only one who not only didn't see Eclipse this weekend but has no desire to ever see it. Call me crazy, I just don't get it.
Looks like you had a BLAST!!!! You look soooo cute in your pictures! :) I can't believe that happened at the movies. That's crazy!!! Hopefully you'll get to go back soon and watch it!
I posted the giveaway today! :)
Make sure to enter my Stella and Dot giveaway when you get a chance!! http://sweetsoutherncupcakes.blogspot.com/2010/07/stella-and-dot-giveaway.html
First of all, thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. Yay! They made my day.
Your weekend sounds fabulous! I love the scarf that you're wearing in one of the pictures.
I loved Eclipse, too, though I agree that the books are sooooo much better. But the movies are good, I think, as movies go.
I have got to see The A-Team. Is it wrong that Bradley Cooper is pretty much the only reason that I wanted to see it? Now that I know it's also a good movie, I'm definitely going.
Hope you have a great week!
I am loving that picture of you when Geoff has orange lips!
So many people went to water parks this weekend and now I am DYING to go down a slide!!!!!!
Glad you got some quality time with your man this holiday weekend!
I am majorly jealous of your weekend! It sounds heavenly - full of good food, movies and time with your man! I am glad you were able to finish Eclipse, too, and I definitely agree with your review!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comments - now following your lovely blog too!
Hey sweet friend! You look so great in that first picture!! Relaxed and happy! I am planning to see Eclipse this weekend. I didn't read the books, but watched the first two a few months ago, and now I'm hooked! Your dinner at Paneer looks awesome, but I just hate bad service!! Boo!
I spent most of my weekend at the pool too, and it is so tiring! Haha, isn't that funny??! But seriously, laying out/playing in the pool really wears me out...I took 3 naps on Sunday!
I'm glad you and Geof had a nice weekend! And luckily, this is a short work week so that's exciting!
I laughed out loud at your A Team review because my sis told me I had to see it since Bradley Cooper is pretty much shirtless throughout the entire film. Love it :)
Sounds like a great weekend!
Wow, you had such a fun weekend, with beautiful weather!! So did you end up getting to see the final 20 minutes? Or, will you have to go back? That sucks they left you hanging!
Hey there, stopping by and following from Memoir of a Southern Belle! What a lovely blog you have!!
It sounds like you had the perfect 4th of July weekend!!
I really love your recaps. They are fun to read and seeing all of the fun is great. GLad you and your husband had a great weekend.
Looks like an amazing weekend! I just came over from Memoirs of a Southern Belle, happy to be your newest follower! XO!
Wow, what a fab weekend! I cannot believe the alarm went off. That reminds me of the first time my husband and I went out of town without my daughter. We were looking forward to sleeping in and the smoke alarm went of at 6 am - false alarm and we did not get to sleep in.
enjoyed seeing your pics! And you did score a deal on the 2 for 1 movies :D I used to love watching the original A Team movies back in the day...
I'm so glad you had a good 4th weekend!! You are looking skinnier with every post! Seriously - you look awesome!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ritas - we actually went the other night and it was so good!! I may need to hop on the twilight bandwagon huh? I didn't realize that you were into it too!! That really stinks that you had to go back to finish it!!
Hope you are having a fabulous week!! xoxo
LOVE LOVE the blue scarf!
P.S. left you an award on my blog. Please come visit when you get a chance!
thanks for the lovely b-day wish and hope you have a great one too.
What fun! Sounds like you had an amazing 4th. You and your hubby are just the cutest!! What a sweetheart to bring you the flowers :)
Sounds like a great weekend--4th of July and bday =)
Sorry I have been mia, things have been crazy =( I miss reading your blog. I'm hoping things will get easier.
Love that dress you have on withthe anchors. I was totally going to buy it at Target!
p.s. Thank you SO much for joining our Rosebud network. Don't forget to show your pretty bloggy face over at la blog! We're linking one of you nearly every day and featuring one of you every week and we're really hoping to drum up lots of support for our network members! Big hugs!
That pool looks like so much fun!
I can't believe you didn't get to see the end of the movie. Glad it wasn't a real fire though!
PS-Did you get my card? I sent one to you and my grandma and my grandma never received hers :(
have fun today!
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