I also wanted to apologize for being absent from blogging most of the week. Work is crazy right now and I hope to catch up with everyone this weekend. It seems as though I’ve been saying that a lot lately, but I swear it’s the truth.
A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: A nice and cool 72. I’m almost scared to see our electric bill for June because it has been over 90 degrees most of the month.
B- My BEDROOM theme is: We really don’t have a theme and our bedroom isn’t all that big. It is fairly neutral. I like to say that the walls are kind of mauve (Geof calls them pink) with neutral bedding and furniture. When we get a bigger house I want to do our master bedroom all chocolate brown and blue.

C- The CAR in the driveway is: Right now it’s a Nissan Sentra from Enterprise because my Nissan Altima is still in the shop from the hail damage. Geof drives a Honda Civic
D- My DESK looks: Like my dining room table. That is pretty much where things get sorted and bills get paid.
E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: Around 8:15. I work from home most of the time, so I just have to head downstairs and start my day.
F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: My hair and it has always been that way
G- My GARAGE is filled with: Since our garage got converted into an extra room and is Geof’s “man cave”, we use the back laundry room for storage. There is honestly still a lot of unopened gifts from my bridal shower because my kitchen is so small. We also have some junk down there. It’s probably time to clean it out again.
H- My HOUSE is: Okay. It is our first house and it’s a townhouse with 2 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. We’ve been here a little over 3 years and I honestly cannot wait to get a bigger house. I am proud that it is something to call my own though.
I- If you peeked INSIDE my bedroom you'd see: Nothing out of the ordinary. Bed, nightstand, dresser, TV, etc.
J- My favorite JUICE is: I’m not big on juice, but I would have to say orange juice from time to time. I love diet iced tea though!
K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: I guess it’s fine overall. I really like our refrigerator and stove. We replaced both of those appliances when we moved in. I like our cabinets too. I just wish it was bigger and that we had more counter space.
L- The LAST person who visited my home was: My mom on Tuesday night.
M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: A sweet note from Kate at Nautical By Nature
N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm: Friendly. We are pretty close with our neighbors next door and the rest we have casual conversations with from time to time.
O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see: Not a lot. We need to go food shopping. I think there is some leftover pizza in there and lots of diet soda.
P- My last house PARTY was: Too long ago to remember. Probably last summer after Geof’s fantasy football draft. It was also very impromptu and everyone just kind of ended up back at our house.
Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: Tomato soup and grilled cheese.
R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: The living room. It is where everyone can relax, talk and unwind.

S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is: Redken Blonde Glam Shampoo and Conditioner. My friend who works at a salon got this for me and I absolutely love it.

T- My largest TELEVISION is: 42”. I will never forget getting this TV either. It was a Black Friday that we camped out at Circuit City (when they were still in business).
U- UNDER my bed you will find: Nothing much. Maybe some dust bunnies and a renegade sock or two.
V- The last time I VACUUMED was: Last weekend. We have laminate floor on the first floor of our house that needs to be dust mopped about every other day. The dogs don’t go upstairs, so it doesn’t get that bad.
W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: My garden that is pretty much dead from the excessive heat and the grass that now looks like hay.
X- I wish I had X-TRA: Money…time…I could go on and on. I think most people wish for these things, right?
Y- My YARD is: Really only out front. I have a small garden (like I mentioned before) that I get mums and pumpkins for in the fall and daffodils, lilies and pansies grow in the spring. We also have a huge front yard that is shared with the 7 townhomes. The kids and dogs play out there.

Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: My goal is usually to get to bed by 11, but some nights I don’t fall asleep until midnight or later.
I hope I didn’t bore you to death with this! Please let me know if you decide to do it too and have a great weekend!!
I love your living room! The floors are gorgeous and make me sorta miss the hardwoods we used to have!
aww!! great list!!
Wow!! Your living room is beautiful!! :)
My air conditioner is set on 69 degrees and I am SERIOUSLY scared of my electric bill. It's been upper 90's here for the past month too. :/
I love Redken products!!! They have great stuff. The Extreme shampoo and conditioner is amazing for damaged hair. :)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!!
As far as memes go that's a pretty neat one. I have a similar desk myself. lol
Mmmmm.....tomato shoud and grilled cheese are my favorite!!! :) Thanks for sharing that was lots of fun!
this was fun to read! have a great weekend :-)
Good list.
Great meme. I wish I worked at home! I'm jealous!
I adore your living room! It's so bright and inviting!
I would love to do it...but would not be able to answer half of the questions! I don't have a garage, a car, a yard...haha
What a fun meme, I should join in. Your living room looks inviting. I love rooms that are uncluttered like that!
I've seen this a lot recently! I might do it next week myself!
I loved this, it is great learning more about people!
p.s. I am having a giveaway going on right now until July 14th, www.ladybug-blessings.com
I did this one a week or so ago!
I love your house, and it sounds similar to mine in size except we have a 3rd bedroom, but it's too small for anything but an office or nursery. We're going to grow out of it SO fast when we have a baby someday!
I loved reading this post! Your house is lovely. I bet it feels so good to own your own home. I've been looking off and on for a house, but I want to be sure I find the exact right thing and it's taking awhile.
My first car was a Honda Civic and I drove it from the time I was 16 until I was 28 (and it's still in the family and working perfectly). They're amazingly good cars.
Sometimes I really think I would love working from home. Mainly becuase my coworkers really annoy me haha.
And tomato soup and grilled cheese is one of my favorite meals - such great comfort food.
I love your living room! My favorite thing is that painting above the couch. And I also really like the glass coffee table. I think it's so chic!
I should try some Redken Shampoo (not the blonde - of course), but I'm always looking for a good shampoo.
And finally, I'm extremely jealous of your pumpkins! I love pumpkin more than anything and I always make pumpkin pies, bread, cake, cupcakes, etc. in the fall.
Hope you have a great weekend!
I just had to check out another "Jules." This was a nice list and easy read.
Your living room is so cute and simple :) I like it!
Redken does have some great shampoo!
I'll have to do this sometime!
what a fun tag. I will let you know if I do it.. I love your house also.. Have a great weekend.
Totally agree with D! Any flat surface is just a mess in my apt!
Fun post! Your living room is so cute! Tomato soup and grilled cheese is one of my favorite meals!
I am glad you got my note but I think the birthday card got lost :(
you've got a lovely place -- I think the bed being against the wall might freak me out though; I'd need to make sure my husband got that side ;-)
Awww... this is such a cute post. I might have to do it too. My mouth is watering after reading your 'quick fix dinner.' Yum... tomato soup and a grilled cheese.
Happy Birthday!
I come from Amy's place.
lovely blog!
Yay I get to catch up o your blog! Sorry (again) it's been so long =(
I love these posts because I get to learn so much about you!
Hail damage? Oh no! That's horrible!
Mmm craving grilled cheese now =)
Heading off to your other posts!!
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