Friday night my mom and I finally went to see Sex and the City 2. I have to say that I absolutely loved it, probably more so than the first. The best part in my opinion was the fact that the movie focused more on the ladies and their time together. The fashion was also out of this world.

Saturday, Geof and I ran some errands and finally went to the pool for the later part of the afternoon. The water felt so good and we spent hours splashing around. After the pool, we made a quick stop at the grocery store, came home and Geof made us tacos for dinner.
Sunday, we went to a Phillies game where they beat the Blue Jays 11-2. We got amazing seats along the first base line as a joint early birthday gift from my mom’s boyfriend. The only downer was the hot weather. It was about 97 degrees and we felt like we were melting. I downed lots of water and tried to keep cool. We took a little break from the heat and went to McFadden’s in the ballpark for some appetizers and drinks. Overall, it was a great afternoon.

View from our seats before the game

Us at the game

Ahhh...summer baseball!

Pretty Black-Eyed Susans outside the ballpark
Sunday night, we made dinner and watched True Blood. This past weekend was actually pretty great and didn’t fly by for once. I wish they were all like that!
another great one! :-)
Glad y'all had such a great weekend, aside from the hail incident. That's crazy as "hail" that it was so severe. Sorry, you know I had to throw that pun in there. Haha.
The pool is the best, isn't it? I wish I had one in my backyard. I'd seriously be in it everyday! In my dreams, I guess...
Hope you have a great Monday!
Sounds like a pretty great weekend to me! Ours flew by.
You two always have so much fun. :)
Glad you had such a great weekend! I hate to admit that I still haven't seen the first one!
Sounds like a great weekend! Glad you got some pool time, but that heat sounds just awful. I cannot stand it if it's above 85. Ugh.
I still want to see SATC 2!!! Glad to hear you loved it! :)
Sounds like you had a good weekend! True Blood left me with my mouth hanging wide open ;)
I wanted to see Sex in the City 2 but it moved to a far away place and was showing way late. I guess I have to wait until it comes out on DVD. We have had a few storms also. Have a great day.
There's nothing like a great long summer weekend!
Sorry about your car but I'm glad you got to take Friday off and spend some quiet time with Geof. It was much deserved!!!
What a fun Mom/Daughter date!!! I loved SATC2 more than the first one too. :)
It looks HOT at that game!!!
Love Black Eyed Susan' of my favorite flower. They remind me of MD :)
What a great weekend!! I want to see SITC2!
Sorry to hear about your windshield, the weather is so ridiculous lately.
Woohoo, awesome seats at the Phils game!! Glad you enjoyed your weekend :)
that was an awesome weekend!! I haven't been to a pro ball game in years - when I used to go to NY Yankee games *sigh*
I thought I was the only one who hadn't seen SATC2- I'm happy to hear a positive review on it!
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