When you work like I’ve been you begin losing sight of what’s important. Geof went in for oral surgery last week and I couldn’t be there for him until he got home because I was bogged down with work. It’s a horrible feeling really. I try not to go too much into my job here because this blog is about my life outside of work. Unfortunately my life this weekend and for the past 2 weeks has been all work, all the time (at least I got to have some fun last weekend).
I need a break…a few days off to regroup. Hopefully I’ll be back with a happier post later this week.
Because I don’t want to be a complete downer, I will leave you with a pic I snapped this weekend of Chase & Mandy. They were waging war on their favorite toy and this made me smile. Chase has a complete “don’t mess with me” look on his face.

Keep your chin up! Hope you are feeling better as the week goes on. Keep pouring hot tea into your body - it always helps me :)
Hey Jules!
I hope that you start feeling better all-around. It's hard to keep everything going all the time (at least for me it is - I haven't posted in forever), but I hope that things will even out for you.
That is the absolute cutest picture of Chase and Mandy! I'll be thinking about you this week, friend!
Hey there! Just wanted to say hi!! I know exactly how you are feeling. I just posted today about how incredibly busy I've been too. I came home from work today because I wasn't feeling well. I ended up just eating Chix noodle soup and I'm gonna nap and hope I feel better soon!!! You should do the same! :)
Hope you feel better soon!!!
You can do this! Hang in there! I know how frustrating it is, but it will get easier, I promise! Take time to nap this week! You need it and deserve it!
Sending prayers that things start to slow down for you soyou can relax. I hope Geof is feeling better and Chase & Mandy look adorable!!! I hope you are feeling better soon too. XOXO
They are sooo cute. Sorry to hear about Geof and your overworked-ness.
I hope you feel better soon!
your fur babies are so adorable!!!
I'm sorry you have to work so much! I know how sucky that can be and I hope everything calms down soon!
So sorry you've been dealing with all of that. Things will get better for sure, though!
I hope you're not getting sick!! :(
Love the pic of the dogs :)
Cute doggies! I hope things slow down a little for you soon, keep your head up!
Aww! I hope you get the much-needed break that you deserve! It's crazy how life can catch up with us!
Poor thing - feel better!
That poster is too funny and hope you get desserts instead of stress!
dont worry about it. we all need to vent about work these days. my next post might be about work too. things will get better.
Sweetie! I am SO sorry!! I hope you feel better asap! I know you've been working so hard this year - you need a break!! Come visit!! (nope not kidding!) :)
xoxo, Lis
p.s. I'll be making up the guest room right now!!!
Tired of being tired... I feel your pain. :) Hang in there, girl! I hope you're able to fight the cold!
I'm so sorry you are overwhelmed at work. My best advice is to work as hard as you can while you are there, and when you leave don't think about for one second. You need your home time! hang in there girl. xoxo.
I feel the exact same way!!!!! Rest up my dear.
Feel better! Your dogs are too cute! Look at their adorable faces when you are feeling sad :)
I COMPLETELY understand the feeling. You need a break and some time to relax and then you'll be back good as new. Promise.
Hi friend!
I'm sorry that you are having a rough go at things right now! It is a horrible feeling to be so busy with work that you can't be there for those you love like you want to.
Just remember that work is just work, and try not to let it consume your life. I know, I know...easier said than done!
I'm thinking about you and hope that your schedule slows down enough so you can get a break!! xoxo
Hey babydoll, TOTALLY there with you!! So sorry things are so crazy!! Wishing you lots of rest and get well wishes, and plenty of sweet snuggles with Geof and those precious pups!! xoxoxo
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