Essie Borrowed & Blue

The Hangover Part II
After the movie, we headed to Uno for some pizza and then home to get ready to go out for the night. Our friend Dan came over to meet up with us and we went to The Deck for the night. The weather was perfect for being outside on the river and I had a good time with the guys. I also bumped into some people I haven’t seen in awhile, which is always nice.
Saturday, we relaxed around the house most of the day and went out to Media in the evening for a date night. We had another gorgeous evening and it was nice to stroll around town. We settled on dinner at Fellini and it was absolutely delicious. There is nothing like authentic Italian food and it’s B.Y.O.B.

Beautiful sunset

Mozzarella Sticks wrapped in spring roll wrappers

Sunday, we went to the pool and it was glorious! It felt like forever since I spent time in the cool water and basked in the sun. This past winter was too long, so I’m more than happy to see that summer is almost here. We got to catch up with our friends from the pool and made it a great day.

Getting ready to head to the pool!

View from my lounge chair at the pool...it looks like the clouds are forming a heart
We got home from the pool and my mom came over to visit. Geof made us bleu cheese stuffed burgers and I made s’mores for dessert. So good. We caught up on So You Think You Can Dance on the DVR and had a relaxing night in.
Monday was pretty laid back. We ran some errands, went to Old Navy (I got some great workout pants thanks to a coupon from sweet Kathie), Bed, Bath & Beyond and then to Chik-Fil-A for lunch. I’m super excited about the zero gravity chairs we got from Bed, Bath & Beyond. I’ll be lounging in one all summer long at the pool.
Once we got home, I ended up organizing and going through some more things to get rid of. We have been on such a mission lately getting the house together and it feels good. In the evening we watched the remaining episodes of Modern Family and Cougar Town on the DVR.
I hope you all had a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend too!
Don’t forget to enter my giveaway!!