I also need to rant about a recent customer service situation that I’m still dealing with. I ordered a North Face jacket in mid-December from an award that I received at work that was from awhile ago. The box came and I was so excited to get my “prize”. I opened it and it was the wrong size. To make a long story short, I went through a whole debacle to get it sent back and they sent out another one and guess what…it was the wrong size AGAIN! Talk about a complete breakdown in customer service. I’m not so patiently waiting on the 3rd attempt to get this right.

Oh warm jacket, why won't you come in the right size!?!?
I know in the grand scheme of things that it’s not that bad, but I’m just having one of those days. Just writing this made me feel a little better. Thank you for listening and I promise to get caught up on all your blogs this week.
I am currently on the hunt for a shell for my north face denali jacket since it has been so cold. My first jacket was the one you got and it got stolen :(
I think I'm in need of a warmer jacket even in south georgia. It's been sooo cold here. My dad also had a wrok trip to Vegas that got cancelled. His was for this month though :(
I understand! Sometimes it's just the little things that finally break out backs! Hope tomorrow is better for you, and you get that jacket situation straightened out!! xoxo
keep your head up girl! when that jacket comes you are going to lurvvv it!
We're here for you! I'm sorry things are so hard! Hang in there!
I had a huge CSI with PacSun over the holidays that left me NEVER wanting to order from them again. annoying!
That is THE most ridiculous thing I heard! 3 times!?? There is no sense in that. They should have offered you some kind of incentive to ever keep you as a customer because I would be very nervous of ever using them again. I hope they at least are making yo feel that it is your fault. Hang in there girl, tough days are the worst.
I've been having a terrible time getting back on a normal sleep schedule too! Last night was the best so far, but I'm still having problems falling asleep at a decent time and staying asleep! It's almost the weekend though, so we can catch up on sleep soon! :)
I'm sorry about the jacket. That would annoy me to no end if they did it once, but doing it twice would seriously make me mad!
I'm so sorry! how frustrating! I hope you can get some good sleep soon :-)
I hear you! Sometimes all the hustle and bustle of the holiday catches up to us in January and even the smallest thing sets you off.
I'd be bummed about that trip too...I'm all for doing all the traveling you can while you can. Boo hiss that they cancelled the trip!
Hope you fell more positive about things soon. Everyone is entitled to a bad day once in a while :-)
I hate days like that and I totally hear you on the sleep schedule the holidays totally threw me off and I can't get back into the swing of things!
That is just how I felt yesterday! I was running around like a crazy woman...hit 4 boroughs in 1 day. Exhausting.
Oh girl, I know how you feel! I am in the same boat this week...ugh! Keep you head up, you are fabulous!
We all have those days, girl! Sometimes, I have those kind of weeks!! ;)
Hopefully, the jacket will arrive soon...in the right size. I mean, it's totally North Face weather right now. You NEED this jacket. Besides, third time's a charm, right?? (let's hope so!)
Sorry to hear about Vegas falling through. :(
It's frustrating when people can't do a simple task like putting the right size jacket in a package to send out. I would be just as annoyed as you are because if the weather there is like it is here, you need that jacket!!
Girl you need that coat for this crazy cold wave the entire country seems to be having!!
ugh, sorry to hear about the horrible customer service. i hope your jacket arrives soon!!
i hope you are having a better day today hun!! :)
Oh, what a shame getting the jacket is becoming such an ordeal! We hope the week perks up for you Miss C&P, and if not, then the weekend surely will.
Smiles at you,
I was just saying yesterday that I need a new coat and that North Face would be the way to go with our subzero temps.
I hope your week has gotten better!!
Love you!!! XOXO
I'm so sorry you aren't having such a good week. I hope it gets better asap!! And I really hope they get you the right jacket - I have the same one and I wear it every single day. It's the only "coat" I can wear while driving and not really restricted!
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