This week’s topic: Grocery Shopping
The rule of thumb in this household is that we never go shopping without making a list based on the weekly circular or without coupons. There are always the necessities that may not be on sale, but for the most part we do not deviate from the list unless there is a deal of some sort. This also gives us the opportunity to try new things. For instance, there was a Yoplait Splitz yogurt that we had a coupon for. I had never tried it, but we got and love it.

Coupon Crazy!
In the beginning, this process was sort of a pain. I wasn’t a big fan of grocery shopping to begin with. Throw in preparing ahead of time and it made me cranky. This is now something I’ve got down to a science. Here is I handle it:
1. Buy the Sunday paper and clip coupons
2. Go through weekly store circular that comes in the mail from Red Plum and make a list
3. I’m annoyingly organized and make my list by sections of the store. I sort it like this:
-Fresh (Fruit, Vegetables, Bread, Meats)
-Helpers/Meals (Canned Goods, Sides, Pasta, etc.)
-Snacks (Pretzels, Soda, Crackers, Cookies)
-Frozen & Dairy (Frozen Meals, Cheese, Milk, etc.)
This helps me to find everything quickly and get in and out.
We also always use our shopper club card for additional discounts and the grocery store we shop at offers double coupons for anything under $1.
On our latest shopping trip, we saved over $80! I was floored that the bill came to $202 for a heaping cartful of groceries. This is enough for to last us month and we’re eating on about $50 a week (a little over $7/day for both of us). That’s money we would easily spend on one night out to dinner. If you read my weekend recaps, you know we still go out to eat now and then, but not anything close to what we used to. This has really saved us and when we do go out, it’s usually something cheap like pizza.

None of these tips are groundbreaking by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m just trying to demonstrate that using coupons, shopping the circular and being organized can save you big. In our case 30%.
I have to admit I rarely use coupons. I buy generic for a lot of things which is always the cheapest 99% of the time and for name brand items, I'm just too picky (or as I would say, loyal). I usually just wait for sales on the name brand stuff, which isn't a lot. So, I think I save as much as I can by first choosing generic, then what's on sale/clearance and coupons. :-)
Have a great weekend!
I have learned to become a coupon clipper too. Now when I go into a store I feel as if it is me vs "them!" Thanks for the tips :)
Girlfriend !! WAY TO GO!
I have started to coupon clip too! Besides the Sunday paper you should check out as well as some stores have coupons on their website (
Other websites such as and have good pointers and tips.
good luck!
I need to start using more coupons!
I love coupons! Good tips!! I need to be more organized.
You are awesome!!!! We just got ourselves a Costco membership and that has helped our grocery bill a lot. I always thought buying in bulk would just add to it but I haven't bought any meat from the real grocery store in at least a month. We love the fish & chicken we can get at Costco. Not to mention the giant bottle of laundry soap that is still only half gone. Can't wait to see more of your tips!!!
I am the worst about coupons...but I know it can save you so much money. I need to stop being so lazy. HAHA!
love love love coupons! great thing to get more for your money :) xo
I always forget to use coupons! I have some in my bag, but always forget and then they expire. I'm trying to get better because they can make a huge difference in price!
whoa SUCH a great post! i need to get better at cutting coupons and shopping in general :)
I've never been much of a coupon clipper, but after seeing the $ you're saving I should probably start! Lindsey mentioned, where else can I get some great coupons??
I totally agree! I am all about organized lists, coupons and buying generic brands!
i've used coupons on and off, i think you did a great job on sorting out how you do it. thanks for the tips!
WHOA! I am so impressed! I enjoy using coupons, but I need to get more organized with it.
I just started coupon clipping ( and saved up coupons for a month to pre plan for sales!) and I'll tell you what helped is Menu Planning. Talk about savings and organization!
Now, if only they made coupons for margaritas and pedicures...
That is a HUGE savings! I use coupons every now and then, but find it a bit tedious. Now that I see what you've save, it sounds like it might be worth the extra work!
I'm so impressed by people who use so many coupons! It adds up! I wish I did but I don't ever make it a priority. However, my husband and I are pretty good at shopping for sales.
You are so awesome!!!
I do them and stop...
do them and stop....
they stress me out, LOL!
Or I get everything I have them for and get home and realize I FORGOT TO GIVE THEM TO THE CASHIER!
I knoestly need to do this more. My mom is coupon crazy! She literally has a huge bag filled with them (most of which are expired, I'm sure ;) and buys the Sunday paper just fpr coupons haha. Every bit helps though!
Yay Jules! That's awesome!! You know I love a good deal - and if you get a chance - check out the deal sites on the right bottom of my blog. They can be time-wasters but I have saved SO much recently!
I'm working on a post now about my recent deals but it's late, and I think I'd rather read and comment than work on it! lol!
I hope you have a great weekend!!! xoxo
I love using coupons.
Coupons are the way to go! =)
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