2. I found out that my dentist is on Twitter, which I think is cool. We both have 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and he “tweets” a lot about the dogs. I told him he was hip because he knows all of the Twitter lingo. We’re following each other now.
3. There is a giant hornets nest in the A frame of my neighbors house. It is seriously the size of a basketball. I need to take a pic. It is freaking me out. The association needs to take care of it.
4. #3 above explains why I’m seeing about 30 bees each morning that I take the dogs out.
5. Seinfeld reruns never get old.
6. I think I’m in love with these Reva's and desperately want them for fall.

7. Hubby and I watched The Last House on the Left Monday night and it was very scary and suspenseful.

8. I saw the following quote today: “Never let someone be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” This is so true whether it relates to relationships or friendships.
Do you have a pair of Revas? I want a pair too...really bad!! Lol! Love the quote #8...so true.
The revas are cute...If I could rip of that gold thing. lol. Im not sure I could handle it! I saw the last house on the left at the movie theater. soooo good!
I love that quote and those Revas are adorable! I keep trying to decide which ones I want for fall.
I've been wanting to see that movie, too - glad it was good!
Finally, yay for great dentist appointments - I love going to the dentist (weird, yes)!
The hornets nest would freak me out too. GROSS, I have the chills thinking about it.
Love the Revas. I hope you get them, they'll be so cute with fall outfits.
Those shoes are seriously cute. And I have a King Charles Spaniel too - such cute, sweet dogs!!!
I will have to check out that movie.
Glad you had no problems at the dentist and the shoes are a must!
love the shoes and good to at least know where the hornets are coming from... (trying to put a positive spin on the hive)
mrs b
I love that quote!!! It's one of my favorites and a good one to live by! OH, and the Revas are adorable!
Those Revas are REALLY cute!! I have my eye on a couple of pairs, but haven't ever pulled the trigger to purchase.
Ooohhh, those revas are DARLING! If only I wore flat shoes... sigh.
That quote is true in so many ways! Kind of puts things into perspective.
Glad you got a clean bill of health at the dentist!
I LOVE those shoes, those are my next purchase out of my saved budget money!
As for #8 - that couldn't describe a struggle I'm having with friends right now better. They are my priority while I'm their option! You know that V8 commercial when you get bonked on the head - that's how I feel right now, thanks for waking me up! =)
I am TERRIFIED of the dentist...we could never tweet each other. I have to be dragged there!
LOL that your dentist is on twitter!
Love that quote!
did you see the original Last House on the Left or the remake? just curious :-)
I so agree about Seinfeld! It's my all time fave show ever :-)
Great list!!! I am so excited you got out of the dentist unharmed!! I hate that place!
And I really want Revas too!! Do you have any already? I've never taken the plunge! And great quote!! It's so true!
YAY for the great dentist appointment and I love those Revas!!! I don't own a pair but soon I will have to let a handbag pass and pick up a pair. I love the quote and yes it is so true. Thank you for sharing it. :) XOXO
You should get Revas for the Fall - they are a MUST HAVE! I have three pairs and I wear them all the time!
--DC Prep
i love that quote!
the shoes are too cute!
I was just lusting at those shoes in the window at TB...sigh. they're amazing and would go with everything!
Those shoes are making me drool a little! And I love that quote!
I am scared of the dentist! At least yours is cool and Twitters! :)
I have been drooling over the same Revas for awhile and finally went ahead and ordered them this week. As if I needed another pair.
the revas are great but that elastic DIGS into your heel. i don't wear mine as much i would want to for that reason.
omg. house on the left was traumatizing at times. didn't you think? my husband said, i cannot believe you wanted to see this. :(
That's awesome your dentist is on twitter... I LOVE the Revas and I'm dying to get a pair this season
You have to get the Reva's! i have a few pairs, and they are all I wear most days!
The House on the Left and The Strangers are two movies I'm deathly afraid of. Shudder. Those Revas are SO cute!
That pair of reva is great for fall. as for the hornet's nest, you need your neighbor to do something about it soon.
I hate Bees!!! I think that is so cute that your dentist has a twitter... and the same type of dog! So cool!
I agree about Seinfeld and so strange that your dentist is on twitter haha
That quote is so true!! I think in any situation really.
You MUST get those Revas! They are stunning! And I'm so glad to hear you had a good day at the dentist!
I saw The Last House on the Left also. I wasn't a fan.
#1- Yay!
#5- I bought my husband a t-shirt that says "Little Jerry" and has a picture of a rooster on it.
#7- I'm a total wuss when it comes to scary movies!
#8- I love that quote! So true!
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