Saturday was the beginning of the snowstorm. We slept in late and then Geof shoveled for the first time of many to come. We were around the TV most of the day and I finally was able to catch up on blogs. Geof made us a delicious dinner and then we watched the Saints/Cowboys game, the news and SNL.
15 inches

Sunday involved a lot of shoveling and wrapping gifts. We helped a few of our elderly neighbors in the condos behind us and were able to get our cars dug out. I got most of the gifts wrapped and then made pizza for Geof and I for dinner.

Lots of gift wrapping

Pretty candle from our neighbor
They called this snowstorm one of the worst in Philadelphia history and the worst ever in December. I’m glad that we stayed in!
Are you enjoying the snow storm just a little bit? I've never faced one but think it would be a little fun. Or maybe not ;)
Sounds like a great weekend to me!
you had basically the same exact weekend as us!! haha - i'm over the snow for the entire rest of the winter now!
Girl I am so jealous of your snow. After our weekend I totally wish I could be snowed in and get some wrapping done. LOL!!! XOXO
Sounds like a great weekend! We were also blanketed with snow in Maryland. Today I went to lunch with a friend because I had cabin fever! Love your blog!
I had a wonderful weekend...but, it would have been nice to stay inside with a love!
We would definitely not know what to do with 15 inches of snow in Texas. Everything shuts down with only a half an inch. LOL!
I love Chase's Christmas sweater! Where did you find it!
I've driven to Pennsylvania from my home in Toronto- you guys get it worse than we do!! I had to stop for gas and almost froze to death for that 3 minutes on the highway- the front of my car was a sheet of thick ice. We don't have much here yet- it just threatens every day. Fingers crossed!
I love your blog!
I'm glad you stayed in too! Better safe than sorry!
Glad you got to stay in all cozy and warm! Sounds like a very relaxing weekend.
they said ours was the worst in history in december too, I think it broke more records here too! glad you guys stayed nice and warm!
Holy snow batman! 15 inches!? WOW!!! Now THAT'S snow! I'm not a fan of snow normally but if it is going to snow I want it to snow so much that we can't get out of the house!
OMG, all that snow! I have always wanted a white Christmas but just one day of it would be nice, then back to my normal Charleston weather.
Sounds like a nice weekend, the dinner Geof cooked looks yummy! What a great husband. I am so glad my husband enjoys cooking too.
15 inches? Ewwww, I thought we had it bad with 6! Snow is not fun and I'm fine with us not having some for awhile!
I'm a tad jealous of the snowstorm!!!
WOW...15 INCHES?????? I don't think I've even seen a foot of snow before...I bet it is beautiful!!!
Serious snow! The kiddies didn't have school on Monday. I still didn't like driving around yesterday-nuts! Glad you are OK. xoxo
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