I’m linking up with Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup and Amber from Brunch with Amber for another edition of “ITS OK Thursday”
For me, ITS OK
That catching up on my stack of magazines involved little reading and lots of ripping out pages that looked appealing.

That I did happen to read one article from an old issue of Glamour about turning 30. At 33, I can say that it was spot on. If you’re in your 30’s or about to be 30…READ IT!
That I’m so behind on my personal life because work has me swamped.
That I spotted a scarf I just had to have but didn’t buy because it wasn’t on sale. I got a coupon, went back for it and it was gone. That’s just the fashion gods telling me I don’t need another scarf.
To find the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center completely magical

That I made chili the other night and added an extra can of diced tomatoes by accident…oopsie. It ended up surprisingly good.
To be dragging out Mockingjay because I don’t want it to end.
And to have gotten as excited as a schoolgirl when I saw the trailer for The Hunger Games on the big screen before Breaking Dawn.
That's all for now!
That tree is magical! I love seeing it every year.
It's a tradition to watch the lighting of the Christmas tree with my aunt! I loved all the music... made me in the mood even more! Can't wait for The Hunger Games movie!!!!!
I literally just read all of the first Hunger Games book yesterday! I could NOT put it down - I had to force myself to stop reading in order to do a phone interview but skipped all my homework just to read it. SO GOOD.
xx Emily @ laughliveandshop.blogspot.com
I haven't started Hunger Games yet...but I really want to!
I'm also so behind on my life too! Work is insane! I wish I could hire a personal assistant some days :)
I love going through my magazines every month...but I have never cut out things I liked. Do you keep the cut outs on a board??
I am so excited for the Hunger Games!!! ahhh!!!
When something sells out, I tell myself that I didn't need it too. Thanks for offering to send me an invite to Pinterest. My college roommate invited me.
Aw darn, work again? :( Poor thing! Another reason I wished we lived closer - so I could go with you to a midnight screening of The Hunger Games!
I went to see the tree at Rockefeller Center today for the first time. It was amazing! So beautiful!!
You know how I feel about the Hunger Games.
I do the same thing with my magazines! Now I have a hug messy stack of magazine pages on my desk. Hahaha. I’m going to go read that article about being 30. I’ll be 33 in January! I can't wait for The Hunger Games either!
I do the same thing with magazines-I just tear out what I want to keep. I just put everything into a binder to organize it all (years later)
I have the Hunger Games on my reading list
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