Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 in review

It was a year of change. There were ups and downs that came with that change, but overall I’m proud. Proud that I’ve gotten certain aspects of my life in order and that I made good on two of my major resolutions. I hope to keep that going into 2011.

Here are my highlights from each month!


Going with Geof to see SafetySuit in concert for the first time and getting to see Parachute too! That first show led into many more during the year. We saw them a total of 11 times in 8 months. They’re an insanely talented band and all around great guys. It also gave us a good reason to take some fun getaways.

1st SafetySuit show at World Cafe Live


This was the month of record snowfall. 25 inches to be exact. I remember being stuck inside for days. Geof and I were also able to escape for a long Valentine’s weekend away in Connecticut and got to see SafetySuit at the Mohegan Sun as an added bonus.

25 inches of snow

Mohegan Sun in CT

Later in the month we went to Annapolis for another long weekend and saw SafetySuit again. It might have been cold, but we had a blast exploring downtown and had a wonderful time.

SafetySuit and me in downtown Annapolis


St. Patrick’s Day, lots of time with good friends and going to yet another SafetySuit show. This one was back in PA.

St. Patty's Day

SafetySuit at Arcadia


Best.Cruise.Ever. The title and theme of the cruise certainly lived up to its name. We saw many of our favorite bands including 3 Doors Down, Lifehouse, SafetySuit, Parachute, Shinedown and Carolina Liar. We met some wonderful friends that we’ve stayed in touch with to this day and it was a fabulous vacation.

We also celebrated Kelly’s 30th and went to see SafetySuit with Kristen & Sean in DE.

VH1 Best Cruise Ever

Kel's 30th


Celebrated Cinco de Mayo with friends Liz and Josh in Harrisburg. Going to see SafetySuit twice. One of the two shows was acoustic and very unique.

SafetySuit in Harrisburg

Friends Greg and Allison tied the knot and finally got to meet sweet Trish and her awesome husband, Matt.

Greg and Allison's wedding

Date night with Trish & Matt


Celebrated Geof’s 34th birthday tops the list for June. We also got to see the Phillies live in action at Citizen Bank Park

Phillies game


Celebrated my 32nd birthday by going to Six Flags Great Adventure with Kristen. Getting to ride Kingda Ka was a serious highlight for me.

Kingda Ka


Kristen’s Bachelorette Party weekend. Fun times.

Geof and I took a road trip to South Carolina and had an absolute blast. We got to see SafetySuit while we were there and it was a much need mini-vacation.

SafetySuit in South Carolina


Lady Gaga in concert for her Monster Ball Tour. Getting to see Kristen and Sean tie the knot at their beautiful wedding.

Lady Gaga


Celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. Lots of fall activities with Geof and Nordstrom Trend Show with Kristen. Deidre and Jason’s wedding Halloween weekend.

Linvilla in the fall


Very busy month for work. Thanksgiving with the family tops the list. My mom and I going to see Hairspray was also a lot fun.



Going to see Prince in concert at the Izod Center with Colleen. A nice, quiet, family Christmas and taking some well-deserved time off for the holidays. We also had our first major snowfall of the winter season.

Prince concert and Christmas 2010

I hope everyone had a great year in 2010 and I wish you nothing but the best in 2011!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas weekend recap

It started Thursday with us taking the dogs to Rose Tree Park for the Festival of Lights. They decorate it every year for Christmas and it’s lovely. If it weren’t so frigid we would have stayed longer. It was nice to see everything and let the dogs stretch their legs a bit.

Pretty lights!

The best shot I could get of Geof and the dogs

Christmas Eve day was spent in the kitchen baking cookies, brownies and cake balls. I also prepared fondue and buffalo chicken dip for the night. My mom came over with her dog, Happy later in the evening and we spent the night enjoying goodies with a movie marathon of Home Alone, Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story.

Cake balls!

Christmas Eve with the presents under the tree

Christmas morning was spent at our house exchanging gifts and enjoying a delicious breakfast that Geof made for the three of us. Later in the afternoon we went to my aunt and uncle’s to have Christmas dinner with my extended family. I got to catch up with some of my favorite cousins, including the triplets that are now 13, so it was very interesting hearing about their latest relationship drama. I say it every year, but I don’t know how my aunt prepares a sit down meal for 18-20 people and doesn’t lose her mind. She does an amazing job and deserves a ton of credit.

Chase on Christmas morning

Silly pic of my my mom and Geof at my aunt & uncle's

Us at my aunt & uncle's on Christmas

Sunday, we took all of the decorations down including the tree. It’s the earliest we’ve ever done that and it was a little sad, but also nice to get the house back to normal. We also spent a majority of the day cleaning out the basement and got rid of a ton of junk. It was the perfect day to do it considering we got hit with about 12 inches of snow. It’s only December and I’m ready for spring.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Weekend recap

What a weekend! Friday, Colleen and I had tickets to see Prince for his Welcome 2 America tour. We left straight from the office and headed up the NJ Turnpike to see him perform at the Izod Center. The show was incredible and unpredictable (in a good way).

Coll and I before we left for the show

During the opening act, he made an appearance on stage to play the guitar which I’ve never seen happen before by the headliner. Prince entertained with many of his greatest hits and surprised the crowed with Sheila E coming out to perform The Glamorous Life along with some other music, including The Bird and Jungle Love by Morris Day and The Time. This Billboard article summed the night up best. I was a little disappointed that he didn’t sing When Doves Cry or I Would Die 4 U, but, my favorite moment of the night by far was his slower rendition of Little Red Corvette. He did a 5 song encore and made it a great show for the crowd. Prince is a musical genius. The man writes his own music, plays multiple instruments (well) and has had a career spanning over 30 years. He is also a vampire and at 52 looks and moves better than men in their 20’s.

The purple one

The stage was very cool

Sheila E

Saturday afternoon was spent doing some shopping with my mom to finish up everything for Christmas. I dread driving in our area around this time of the year. It usually takes 10-15 minutes to get most places. It took me 45 minutes just to get to the mall. I couldn’t wait to get home. People weren’t feeling the Christmas spirit either. Everyone looked miserable and was in a huge rush.

Saturday night was much better. We went to World Café Live to celebrate our friend Kristen’s birthday. They were having a showcase where several bands were competing to open for Fuel and her brother-in-law was in one of the bands that was playing. They were also the band that happened to win the competition. We had a nice time and it exposed me to some new, local music. The venue is an awesome spot and we love going there.

Kris and I at World Cafe Live

The John Salamone Band

Sunday was spent relaxing at home and I needed it. We watched the Eagles game that was absolute insanity in the 4th quarter. My mom stopped over later in the afternoon and Geof made us dinner. We watched some TV and called it a night.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Deck the Halls!

The tree is trimmed and the house is finally ready for the holidays. We put the finishing touches on it Monday night and right on time, considering Christmas will be here before you know it. We went with the same silver and blue theme as last year. This was partially because we didn’t want to buy anymore decorations and also because I really like those colors together for Christmas.

There is a wave of nostalgia that comes over me each year as I take out the ornaments and decorate the tree. Not only do some of the ornaments bring back a moment in time, but it also gives me a chance to reflect on the special memories over the past year. There have been many ups and downs, but in the end I’m thankful to have a wonderful husband, a roof over our heads, loving family, and a good job.

I also can’t help but to think about my childhood memories and the wonderful times spent with family through the years during the holiday season. My favorite memories are from Christmas Eve each year. The night started out with a visit to Santa as he came around the neighborhood on the fire truck and then having my grandfather do a reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas to my cousins and me. We listened to Christmas music and celebrating the evening with loved ones. Going to bed that night was a magical feeling knowing the Santa would be on his way down the chimney. I’ll also never forget my grandmother teaching me the true meaning of Christmas and setting up the nativity scene with her each year.

What are some of your favorite Christmas memories or traditions? I would love to hear them.

2010 "C" Family Tree

Decorations on top of my grandma's china cabinet

Close up of the tree

Special ornament from my mom and one from the first Christmas Geof and I spent together

I love this because of the ice skates. It's called "A Winter Perch"

Ornaments for the first year in our house and our first Christmas together as husband and wife

The infamous "Leg Lamp" from A Christmas Story

Our monogram